Photo by Georgia Vagim

What a double header we have this weekend!

On Sunday we have a classic sporting event between the All Blacks and Ireland with the experts picking our Irish friends as the probable winners. Despite the predictions, right up until the moment I’m proven wrong, I’m hoping deeply that our team wins.

On Saturday we have a classic general election where the outcome seems likely to be close, and the experts are desperately trying to arrive at the result before voting closes. Despite the predictions, right up until I’m proven wrong, I’m hoping deeply for inspiring educational outcomes.

I can’t influence the rugby result at all, and once my vote is cast, there’s nothing more I can do on the election front either.

In effect, I am powerless.

And this week I’m OK with that. It’s actually a peaceful position to be in.

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What we do have some power over, is how this final Term will play out in regard to our professional impact and our personal hauora. I think I’m safe to assume that you have many key professional goals and events locked into your calendar, but how many of you also have key personal goals and events there as well?

If you’ve been following the 40 Hour Project for a while, perhaps you have already done this, but what about your neighbouring principal down the road? Before the Term gets too demanding of your time and energy, how about catching up with them and telling them about some of the practical actions you’ve taken to ensure you arrive at the end of December in great shape? Hearing what someone else is successfully doing, often helps people give themselves permission to do the same.

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So, puff up the cushions on the couch and pass the popcorn – there’s a lot at stake this weekend and as spectators, it’s going to be exciting!
