As we head into the uncertain waters of the fourth Term I’ve come up with a brain dump of ideas (let’s not call them goals!) that might just help to get me through. Maybe they might help you get through as well! Enjoy your Term everyone!
- Know that although times may be uncertain, I will get through this because I always do.
- Slow down physically, and in how fast you talk, because this will give you more time to think and to be proactive in your reaction.
- Rather than trying to speak the most and sound the most “leadership like,” be the one who listens the most deeply.
- Physically relax your body, especially when you feel stressed. Pause to hear what your body is saying.
- Stop trying to ‘fix’ yourself and get out there and enjoy creating remarkable things.
- Instead of trying to be ‘organic’ or ‘authentic’ (or any of the other catch phrases flying around the motu) just relax, and find a way to enjoy yourself and the great job that you do.
- Feel more at ease in realising that we are all scared, slightly weird and fairly clueless about many things in life!
- Take extra time to actually stop and enjoy the fantastic times in your job whenever they occur.
- Develop the skill of being less fazed by things that trigger you.
- Know that the end of Term will come and there will be many fantastic things that have happened that you can be proud of.