Photo by Sam Schooler
“You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.” – Pema Chodron
This quote popped up in my life sometime this week. It seemed particularly relevant as I opened the window, poked my head outside and felt the full force of the winterly southerly blast on my face. Woah! It certainly has been a week of weather extremes.
Our roles are the same. Sometimes we poke our heads out of our offices to find a full on winterly southerly blast blowing through our school – metaphorically speaking.
The important thing of course is to remember that you are not the weather. As a leader you need to do all that you can to avoid becoming the weather. Rise above it. You are the sky – the blue sky that sits above the weather.
You need to recognise that while thoughts, feelings, and experiences come and go, they do not alter the fundamental nature of who you are, or the role that you have. Following this quote and being the sky speaks to the idea of remaining grounded and centred, recognising that the ever-changing aspects of life are not your core!
So, get on with it! Be the sky and go out there and make a difference!
Anonymous says:
Perfect time to read this.
Anonymous says:
Brilliant – to the point and will absolutely take this on board cheers Sandi
Anonymous says:
love this!!