Photo by Anthony Tori 

What do you stand for?

I was at a convention last week where one of the speakers shared an epiphany moment they had a few years ago.

They were at a cross-road in their career and were forced to take time off from a busy job. It slowly hit them that they were ‘lost’ in who they were, and where life was going. It was in this involuntary moment of wondering that they realised they knew what they didn’t like, value or respect – the things that they were against.

But on the flip side, they didn’t really know what they were for.

Our speaker took the time, and put in the effort to change this, and from that point, their life changed too.

In a complex role such as school leadership, we are often challenged to explain our decisions and actions. Clarity on what we deeply believe in, just might be a crucial way to avoid doubt and approach decisions with confidence.

What do you stand for?



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