Photo by Felipe Pérez Lamana
I reckon that the word YET must be one of the best, most powerful, most positive words in the whole dictionary.
I’m struggling to think of a time, any time, when inserting the word YET into a sentence, or a thought, hasn’t resulted in a positive reaction of some sort or another.
When things were challenging, but going well in my career, the word YET helped me push on through. It was like a beacon of hope, pointing a way – albeit an unknown “way” at the time.
Similarly when things were just a little bit crappy and I felt that the whole world was up against me, I could rely on the word YET to remind myself that things weren’t over just yet. Yeah, sure, there were times when the word YET in these circumstances reminded me that the crappiness was going to continue for a bit longer – but on the whole YET has a magical superpower that can help even with these miserable times.
I’m a firm believer that no one really has it all figured out; you know, this thing called life. We’re all just doing our best, one little step at a time. Maybe from the outside it looks like everyone else knows what they’re doing, but in reality they’re just like you.
Some others are certainly pretty good at looking as though they’ve got it all sorted. You might even be one of those people! Maybe someone else right now is looking at you and thinking that you’ve somehow miraculously got it all together.
It’s all a little bit delusional though isn’t it. None of us really has a clue beyond our current moment in time.
That’s where the power of YET can come in super handy.
I don’t know how I feel about that …. yet.
I don’t know how to print this double sided on this fancy new photocopier …. yet.
I don’t understand why people don’t get what I’m on about even when I think I’m super clear … yet.
This email doesn’t make any sense to me … yet.
I’m not good at getting up in front of people and talking … yet.
I really can’t do this … yet.
Apparently Socrates once said, “I know that I know nothing.” Yes he was probably talking about how knowledge is infinite, but I do wonder if he’d slotted a YET onto the end of it, then he may have given all of humanity just a little bit of hope.
YET gives you that instant ability to take on a challenge and make it an opportunity. It gives you the chance to keep your mind open and to add a dose of curiosity.There’s a caveat though. YET won’t solve everything, if in fact anything. All it will do is open you up to being curious about the next step that you take – and allows you to have the courage to make that step. YET won’t solve the world.
Instead it allows you to take control of some forward momentum without the sting of failure.
I haven’t quite mastered YET quite yet ….. yet. But I’m willing to give it a go.
How about you?
Anonymous says:
Brilliant concept Steve…… cheers Sandi