Photo by eniko kis
It’s Week 7 and using our analogy of a school term being much like a distance race, this is the hard part. People are feeling their usual weak spots – a slight hamstring twinge here and a growing blister there.
This is the time when members of your community get ‘niggly’, when staff just want to start making Christmas stuff, and when your own reserves of energy and good will can be drained away.
The good news is of course that this too will pass. You will make it to your last day and it will be OK. Anything genuinely urgent will have been dealt with, and anything not done won’t have been that important.
. . .
So, while all this happens, how about a bit of proactive reimaging? How about taking control of the way you operate over the next 3 weeks?
Maybe you need to:
Drink good coffee/lots of water
Eat lunch every day
Exercise every day
Set a reasonable daily time to stop working
Do stuff that you enjoy
Hang out with people you like
Maybe you need to stop:
Doing stuff not related to people
Trying to get ‘everything’ done by end of Term
Solving other people’s problems
Skipping food
Generally taking responsibility for everything
And perhaps the ultimate self-direction – what would you tell someone you loved to do in similar circumstances?
Do that.