Photo by Raul Varzar
Those of you back in the land of Level 3 lockdown (NZ context) have my utmost sympathy. There’s no easy way to run a school under these conditions and you have a massive task on your hands. Kia kaha – you are in my Level 2 thoughts!
This week I’m “piggy backing” off Steve’s suggestion that right now, amongst the uncertainty, is when we need to take half a step back from the action and reflect.
For those of you in Level 3 the status quo of school is gone. For those of us (a little nervously) sitting in Level 2, we know we might join you at any time.
Now is the time to seriously consider change.
A while ago we discussed the idea of making small, incremental changes to arrive at a new “normal” – 1% better as James Clear would say.
But I believe right now is the perfect time to by-pass that timeline and jump to a new position. To metaphorically advance around the Monopoly board and choose where you land.
Now equals opportunity.
. . .
So here’s my challenge –
Find one aspect of the usual way of working at your school that through the lens of this pandemic, is no longer fit for purpose.
I’m talking about things like:
the number of physical meetings each week.
aspects of your school’s reporting
expectations around teachers being onsite
the shape of your lunch rosters
the amount of extra-curricular activities
the values you say are most important
This list is as long as your imagination!
A fundamental test you can apply is to ask people “why” something is done. If the answer comes back with some variation of, “because that’s how we’ve always done it”, you know you have a likely candidate.
I’m not suggesting that you go nuts and change lots of things, or even much at all – just one.
One thing that is now redundant because the world is shifting, and to be relevant, your school needs to shift too. One thing that might just start the change process that our students need.
When you pause for a moment, with the pandemic shining a light over your shoulder, what do you see?
Ally Gibbs says:
Oh this resonates with me . So timely. This very morning I was asking my junior teacher ( small School) about the WHY? What are are we doing and what is the Why? to really challenge what we do and how we doing things and in light of level 3 and no children at school. so thank you for making me stop and think and to breathe.
40hourprincipal says:
Hi Ally
Good on you! Having a little tiny bit of space (thanks pandemic) is so helpful sometimes.
Keep on asking that question.